Course Prerequisites and Corequisites

Law Course Prerequisites and Corequisites
Course # Course Name Prerequisites*/Corequisites**  
609 Partnership Taxation Federal Income Tax I (668)* or permission of the instructor  
610 Business Planning Business Organizations (526)** or permission of the instructor Waiver
620 Securities Regulation Business Organizations (526)* or permission of the instructor Waiver
639 Taxation of Non-Profit Organizations Federal Income Tax I (668)** or permission of the instructor Waiver
641 Estate Administration Wills, Trusts, & Estates (540)*  
655 Corporate Taxation Business Organizations (526)** and Federal Income Tax I (668)** or permission of the instructor Waiver
669 Federal Income Tax II Federal Income Tax I (668)*  
699 ERISA Federal Income Tax I (668)*  
712 Jury Selection Basic Skills (800)*  
714 Deposition Skills and Technology Basic Skills (800)*  
769 AD Advanced Domestic Relations Domestic Relations (662)**  
799 Taxation of Business Entities Federal Income Tax I (668)*   
799-01 Representing Small Business Business Organizations (526)**  
800 Basic Skills Evidence (524)*  
804 Advanced Skills Basic Skills (800)* and approval of the instructor  

*Prerequisite: must be taken before the listed course
**Corequisite: may be taken at the same time as the listed course
Permission of Instructor: must have signed permission of the instructor before being registered for the listed course

Steps to prepare for registration 

  1. Log into the Samford portal
  2. Click on the Banner icon
  3. Click the menu item entitled “Student & Financial Aid”
  4. Click the menu item entitled "Registration" to begin
  5. Click the menu item entitled “Prepare for Registration”

Planning your schedule prior to registration 

  1. Review the correct term grid and schedule of classes
  2. Map your schedule to avoid time or day conflicts
  3. Verify pre or co-reqs of any courses that require such
  4. Make a list of the CRN (not course numbers) of each course

Instructions for online registration 

  1. Log into the Samford portal
  2. Click on the Banner icon
  3. Click the menu item entitled “Student & Financial Aid”
  4. Click the menu item entitled "Registration" to begin
  5. Click "Register for Classes"
  6. Select the correct term
  7. Enter the CRN of each course and "Add"
  8. Review or make changes
  9. "Submit" – Do Not Forget to SUBMIT