1847 Cumberland School of Law founded, one of the nation's oldest law schools
12,683 community service hours contributed by the class of 2019 during their time in law school
3.6 median GPA 75th PCTL: 3.79 | 25th PCTL: 3.43
155 median LSAT 75th PCTL: 159 | 25th PCTL: 152
$2.8 million in scholarships awarded to entering students
43 undergraduate colleges and universities represented by total enrollment (Fall 2024)
1949 the year Cumberland School of Law was accredited by the American Bar Association
2 nd in the Nation, GAVEL Rankings (overall since 2019)
# 4 in Trial Competition Performance Rankings (overall since 2016)
Ranked No. 9 Greatest Resources for Women (The Princeton Review, 2024)
35 student organizations
8 number of students in smallest class
92 % employment rate (Class of 2023, 10 months after graduation, who are not pursuing a graduate degree)
8 joint degree programs, including the most popular JD/MBA
9k+ active alumni
3 typical number of years to complete most of our joint degree programs
Alumni Across the Globe 77 International* *as of June 2024 5 4,627 12 28 62 41 18 28 2 1,331 935 3 3 6 36 20 69 4 50 13 34 15 11 27 86 11 298 2 2 5 34 7 9 43 24 12 8 48 1 212 2 666 187 20 223 3 20 12 14 4