Jackie Satchell started at Cumberland School of Law in summer 2017, when she enrolled in Cumberland’s pre-1L summer school courses. She entered Cumberland as part of the Class of 2020. During her first year, Satchell demonstrated an incredible work ethic, leadership skills and ability to learn. She balanced her busy schedule with success in school and life like no other. Satchell’s display as a student came as no surprise after learning more about her.
She has a distinguished background in the United States Army as an engineer officer. She is the mother to a now four-year-old daughter and the wife of another U.S. Army engineer. Satchell excelled in her course work while mothering her daughter and serving as a company commander, leading the 148th Army Reserve Company.
Satchell is a graduate of Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and has substantial professional and military experience. She has worked with the Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center in El Paso, Texas, for more than three years and has served in several roles in the U.S. Army since her graduation from VMI. As platoon leader, logistics company executive officer, battalion victim advocate and assistant chief of engineer operations, Satchell has partnered to build new construction on military bases, managed maintenance operations and equipment, negotiated agreements, and planned and enforced quarantine efforts.
At the end of her first year of law school, Satchell learned that her reserve company would be deployed in early 2019. She has placed her legal education on hold to support Operation Enduring Freedom and Special Operations Command. As the company commander, Satchell will lead the 148th U.S. Army Reserve soldiers to provide tactical construction in support of Department of Defense operations in the United States and abroad. While deployed, the soldiers will conduct general engineering operations in approximately five countries. Satchell’s company has carpentry and masonry specialists, heavy equipment operators, plumbers, electricians, surveyors and mechanics. The mission is to support military operations, but the company is also tasked with humanitarian projects and partnering with foreign militaries.
In her own words, Satchell is passionate about showing her daughter that there are no limits to what can be achieved, as long as she is willing to work for it, and about making the world a better place for women everywhere.