The following Cumberland School of Law students qualified as Scholars of Merit for the fall 2018 term. The courses in which the students received this recognition are listed as well as the professors who taught the courses in which the students received this recognition.
Administrative Law / Michael E. DeBow: Ian P. Shippey
Advanced Evidence / Terrence W. McCarthy: Brooke L. Messina
Alabama Civil Litigation Practice / Annesley DeGaris: Christian Allie Segrest
Alt Dispute Resolution / Wayne Scott Simpson: Mallory C. Koger
Business Organizations / Ralph Thomas Stone: Sarah A. Baldwin
Business Organizations / Michael E. DeBow: Mallory C. Koger
Business Organizations / Michael E. DeBow: Lindsey A. Phillips
Civil Procedure I / William G. Ross: Kathryn Ashley Sineath
Civil Procedure I / Henry C. Strickland: Mitchell J. Surface
Constitutional Law I / Brannon P. Denning: William V. Burkett
Constitutional Law I / David M. Smolin: Sarah A. Baldwin
Constitutional Law I / William G. Ross: Jack H. Pouchert
Contracts I / Ralph Thomas Stone: Blake W. Harper
Contracts I / Ralph Thomas Stone: Alexandra J. Messmore
Contracts I / Thomas Brad Bishop: Henry Ben Brown
Copyright Law / Gregory Kent Laughlin: Brenton L. Thompson
Criminal Law / Ramona C. Albin: Katherine Ashley Sineath
Criminal Law / Kandice L. Horsey: Henry Ben Brown
Criminal Procedure I / David M. Smolin: Sarah A. Baldwin
Domestic Relations / Heather Fann: John Austin Boyd
E-Discovery / John L. Carroll: Tiffany A. Jones
Employment Law / Doris E. Greene: Mary C. Raybon
Environmental Law / Tracey M. Roberts: Richard Blaine Goodwin
Federal Income Tax I / Tracey M. Roberts: Jessica Wolinsky
Immigration / John Bell: Sunny Shah
International Law / Paul Kuruk: Juan X. Franco
Juvenile Justice Admin / David M. Smolin: Sarah A. Baldwin
Juvenile Justice Admin / David M. Smolin:Stephanie A. Smith
Labor Law / Jay D. St. Clair: Catherine L. Henderson
Municipal Courts / Thomas Brad Bishop: Morgan M. Turner
Nonprofit Corp-Law & Govern / Lynn D. Hogewood: Robert Terrell Blakesleay
Nonprofit Corp-Law & Govern / Lynn D. Hogewood: Stephanie M. Gushlaw
Patent Law / Nicholas Jacob Landau: Whitney P. Lott
Pre-Trial/Trial Practice / Terry Michael Putnam: Sydney H. Willmann
Prof Responsibilities / William G. Ross: Anna C. Saunders
Prof Responsibilities / William G. Ross: Emily A. Hopper
Prof Responsibilities / John L. Carroll: Suzanne R. Norman
Race and American Law / Doris E. Greene: Averie L. Armstead
Race and American Law / Doris E. Greene: Marsh Denzell Moton
Real Estate Trans I / Robert L. McCurley: Mackenzie C. Luce
Real Estate Trans I / Robert L. McCurley: Thomas G. Marshall
Secured Transactions / Paul Kuruk: Jennifer B. Jayjohn
Sports Law-Amateur / Donald Maurice Jackson: Alex C. Sidwell
Sports Law-Amateur / Donald Maurice Jackson: Joshua D. Aarons
State Constitutional Law / Howard P. Walthall: William V. Burkett
Taxation of Nonprofits / Alyssa A. DiRusso: Charles C. Smith
Torts / Jill E. Evans: Katherine A. Sineath
Torts / Edward C. Martin: Robert Drew Yarbro
Torts II / Edward C. Martin: David Gil Watts
Wills, Trusts and Estates / Alyssa A. DiRusso: Hannah N. Cory
Wills, Trusts and Estates / Craig Martin Stephens: Oscar Cobb Bostick
Negotiation / Lewanda K. VanPelt: Emma A. Cummings