The following Cumberland School of Law students qualified as Scholars of Merit for the fall 2017 term. The courses in which the students received this recognition are also listed, as well as the professors who taught the courses in which the students received this recognition.
Constance Myles (Administrative Law - DeBow, M.)
Corbin C. Potter (Advanced Evidence - McCarthy, T.)
Kriston L. Gifford (Advanced Evidence - McCarthy, T.)
Rainer B. Park (Alt Dispute Resolution - Simpson, W.)
Alexander G. Thrasher (Amer Law, Proc & Practice - Walthall, H.)
Jillianne Pierce (Amer Law, Proc & Practice - Walthall, H.)
Jennifer Jayjohn (Business Organizations - Stone, R.)
Demetra A. Kampakis (Civil Procedure I - Strickland, H.)
Sarah A. Baldwin (Civil Procedure I - Ross, W.)
Sara D. Rogan (Civil Procedure I - Ross, W.)
Anna C. Saunders (Constitutional Law I - Ross, W.)
Emily A. Hopper (Constitutional Law I - Ross, W.)
Stephanie M. Gushlaw (Constitutional Law I - Denning, B.)
Brenton Thompson (Constitutional Law I - Smolin, D.)
Jackson Reagan (Contracts I - Bishop, T.)
William Burkett (Contracts I - Walthall, H.)
Richard B. Goodwin (Contracts I - Walthall, H.)
Hugh S. Gainer (Contracts I - Stone, R.)
Alexandria C. Heard (Criminal Law - Davis, L.)
Robert McNeil (Criminal Law - Horsey, K.)
Sarah A. Baldwin (Criminal Law - Albin, R.)
Stephanie A. Smith (Criminal Law - Albin, R.)
Isabel Montoya-Minisee (Criminal Procedure I - Davis, L.)
Amy Chiou (Domestic Relations - Pate, J.)
Charles M. Hearn (E-Discovery - Carroll, J.)
Amy Chiou (Elder Law - Floyd, M.)
Christian Feldman (Federal Income Tax I - Roberts, T.)
Sidney Jackson (Federal Income Tax II - DiRusso, A.)
Joshua Aarons (Intellectual Property - Smolin, D.)
Xan Ingram (International Law - Kuruk, P.)
Jessica Wolinsky (Labor Law - St.Clair, J.)
Tyerra Henderson (Labor Law - St.Clair, J.)
Rodney Patrick (Military Justice - Kelley, E.)
Keith C. Stephens (Municipal Courts - Bishop, T.)
Katie L. Robinson (Municipal Courts - Bishop, T.)
Kaylie Eichholt (Nonprofit Organizations - Hogewood, L.)
Matthew Hambrick (Partnership Taxation - Roberts, T.)
John Allen (Payment Systems - Floyd, M.)
Allison Booth (Pre-Trial/Trial Prac - Putnam, T.)
Charles M. Hearn (Prof Responsibilities - Carroll, J.)
Victoria Cole (Real Estate Trans I - McCurley, R.)
Luke Brooks (Real Estate Trans I - McCurley, R.)
Laney Gifford (Rep Small Business - Nixon, B.)
Catherine L. Henderson (Sea/Ocean/Coastal Law - Greene, A.)
Haleigh Chastain (Secured Transactions - Kuruk, P.)
Kriston L. Gifford (Secured Transactions - Kuruk, P.)
Christian Harben (State and Local Taxation - Denning, B.)
Sara D. Rogan (Torts - Evans, J.)
Andrew Traylor (Torts - Martin, E.)
Elizabeth Pilcher (Torts - Evans, J.)
Austin T. Russell (Torts II - Martin, E.)
Alan C. Henley (Wills, Trusts and Estates - Stephens, C.)
Makenzie Ervin (Wills, Trusts and Estates - DiRusso, A.)