Cumberland School of Law recognizes excellence in academic achievement each semester by publishing a Dean’s List. Included on the list are second and third year full-time students whose end-of-semester GPA is 3.0 or higher and first year full-time students whose end-of-semester GPA is 3.3 or higher. The following students qualified for the spring 2018 Dean's List. Congratulations to:
Aarons, Joshua D.
Allen, John S.
Alsleben, Stephen R.
Anello, Anthony R.
Armstead, Averie L.
Bailey, Thomas A.
Baldwin, Sarah Ann
Banks, Andrew F.
Bendall, Allison R.
Best, Ivey E.
Bobo, Courtney F.
Booth, Allison E.
Bostic, Leigh Margaret
Boyd, John Austin
Boylen, Clayton P.
Brannan, Patrick B.
Brennan, Colin R.
Brister, Callie D.
Brooks, Daniel Warren
Brooks, Luke Lasseter
Brown, Jonathan H.
Bruce, Bethany Marie
Bruner, Jason D.
Buckler, Lucas D.
Bullard, Mallory C.
Burglass, Patrick
Burkett, William V.
Burnett, Mary Elizabeth
Cagle, Lisa K.
Calhoun, Andrew G.
Campbell, Kellianne
Caraway, Ashley Paige
Carr, Nicholas P.
Carter, Alexandria Leigh
Cash, Carson N.
Castaner, Kristina M.
Catlett, Lindsey R.
Chastain, Haleigh E.
Chiou, Amy
Clark, Mary Margaret
Coan, Maggie K.
Cole, Victoria A.
Collins, Catherine Spalding
Cooper, Virginia S.
Cory, Hannah N.
Crampton, Courtney Brooks
Crowley, Caroline E.
Crowley, Jeremy M.
Cummings, Emma A.
Devitt, Cole Stevenson
Diaz, Caleb W.
DiSalvo, Brooke A.
Dison, Haley
Dudley, Cynthia Lawler
Dunphy, Michael L.
Emerson, Sarah Ann
Ervin, Makenzie M.
Esneault, Alexis Nicole
Estep, Emily L.
Everett, Sydney P.
Farmer, Sara Jessica
Fasking, Kimberly S.
Faulkner, Caleb A.
Feldman, Christian C.
Feltman, Ashley W.
Flanagan, Mary K.
Fleming, John F.
Flowers, Christian L.
Franco, JuanX.
Friedman, Andrew
Gainer, Hugh S.
Gieske, William L.
Gifford, Kriston L.
Gilbert, Chakeira M.
Gilmore, Jackson Graham
Gonzalez Dollar, Ivannoel
Goodwin, Richard Blaine
Gray, Sierra
Green, Ian S.
Gushlaw, Stephanie M.
Hambrick, Matthew H.
Hamm, David Hunter
Harben, Christian W.
Hardy, Kristyn L.
Hare, Ransome R.
Harrison, Houston M.
Hartley, Garrett L.
Hearn, Charles M.
Henderson, Catherine L.
Henderson, Tyerra M.
Henley, Alan C.
Henry, Alexander
Herald, Sean T.
Herd, Michelle M.
Heyward, William, III
Hoggle, Morgan Pratt
Hollis, Stacey Aarumus
Hopper, Emily A.
Horton, Hunter R.
Horton, David C.
Hosmer, Elizabeth A.
Howell, Lynn-Hollyn Tipper
Ingram, Xan P.
Jackson, Nathan Nickolas
Jackson, Sidney, IV
James, Krista N.
Jayjohn, Jennifer Belle
Johns, Travis B.
Johnson, Nelson C.
Johnson, Olivia H.
Johnson, Leah Frances
Johnston, J. Zachary
Jones, Harrison Royster
Jones, Tiffany A.
Kampakis, Demetra Annette
Keen, Benjamin R.
Kelly, Megan M.
Kendrick, John, Jr.
King, William H.
Koger, Mallory C.
Lacy, Thomas C.
Lamont, Whitney L.
Lanier, William M.
Larson, Ellen A.
Lawsen, Nicki L.
Leopold, Sara Elizabeth
Lowndes, Amanda C.
Luce, Mackenzie C.
Major, Kenneth Frederick
Mann, Jacey G.
Masaniai, Molli Aliimau
McKinney, Micah Jamal
McMillan, Ryan L.
Meigs, Sarah Ann
Mercer, Brittany S.
Messina, Brooke L.
Mills, John
Milton, Michael, II
Mock, Mallory E.
Montoya-Minisee, Isabel
Moody, Allison K.
Moore, Jacob N.
Moore, Madeline G.
Moore, Branden H.
Morell, Braden T.
Moss, Daniel C.
Moton, Marsh D.
Mullins, Joshua K.
Myles, Constance M.
Nichols, Ruben, III
Norman, Suzanne R.
Okinedo, Denzel E.
Okpara, Kingsley C.
Park, Rainer B.
Patel, Evani R.
Pettit, William M.
Phillips, Lindsey A.
Pierce, Jillianne C.
Pilcher, Elizabeth S.
Pittman, Reynolds Parker
Plott, Jonathan Hunter
Potter, Corbin C.
Pouchert, Jack H.
Price, Morgan B.
Pritchett, Jamillah Tiya
Prosch, William, III
Pruett, Taylor Akers
Puntney, Kevin
Reagan, Jackson M.
Richards, Megan
Robinson, Katie L.
Roden, Seth W.
Roy, Ashley N.
Ruppenthal, Diana N.
Russell, Austin T.
Russell, Haynes T.
Sadhwani, Anil Kamal
Saunders, Anna C.
Savage, Caroline L.
Schmidt, Emily Menees
Schreiber, Emily Elizabeth
Segrest, Christian Alexandra
Sellers, Matthew R.
Shah, Sunny
Shaw, Frank S.
Shippey, Ian P.
Shirley, Craig A.
Shunnarah, Steven M.
Sidwell, Alex C.
Simms, Tiffany R.
Sloan, Emma L.
Smith, Charles C.
Smith, Timothy, Jr.
Smythe, Gage C.
Stephens, Keith C.
Stotser, Nathaniel B.
Stubley, Mark, Jr.
Sutherland, Dylan E.
Swecker, Allyson
Thames, Kailee D.
Thomas, Jeremy Ray
Thomas, Madison J.
Thompson, Brenton L.
Thrasher, Alexander G.
Thurman, Jason R.
Tindle, Sarah Elizabeth
Tippel, Taylor
Towns, Candace B.
Tribble, Krista B.
Wade, Lydia S.
Walker, Wesley M.
Wallace, Mollie E.
Walsh, Sarah Elizabeth
Warren, Benjamin M.
Watts, David Gillam
Weite, Carmen E.
West, Adrienne
West, Paige M.
Whitt, Benjamin Kyle
Williams, Cheney H.
Williamson, John, III
Willmann, Sydney H.
Wilson, Douglas, III
Wineman, Amanda L.
Wolinsky, Jessica
Woodall, Stephen K.
Woolard, Daniel J.
Yetter, Laura E.
York, Andrew G.
Young, Alyssa A.
Zilahy, Julianne N.