The following Cumberland School of Law students qualified as Scholars of Merit for the spring 2017 term. The courses in which the students received this recognition are also listed, as well as the professors who taught the courses in which the students received this recognition.
Emily Schreiber (AL Legis & Policy - McCurley)
Rebecca Guidry (Read Law/Int Legal Text - Pryor)
Katie L. Robinson (AL Civil Litigation Pract. - Holloway)
William S. Pylant (Amer Law, Proc & Practice - Walthall)
Harrison Jones (Antitrust - Stone)
Brittany Mercer (Bankruptcy - Floyd)
Ariel H. Jebeles (Bioethics and the Law - Smolin)
Corbin C. Potter (Civil Procedure II - Johnson)
Molli A. Masaniai (Civil Procedure II - Ross)
Frank S. Shaw (Civil Procedure II - Ross)
Brenton L. Thompson (Civil Procedure II - Strickland)
Sidney W. Jackson (Complex Litigation - Proctor)
Allison E. Booth (Constitutional Law II - Denning)
Lindsey R. Catlett (Constitutional Law II - Ross)
Christian C. Feldman (Constitutional Law II - Smolin)
Brenton L. Thompson (Contracts II - Bishop)
Jessica Wolinsky (Contracts II - Stone)
Alex Sidwell (Contracts II - Walthall)
Jason Bruner (Criminal Procedure I - Davis)
Kyle Weaver (Damages - Martin)
Emily B. Copeland Morgan (Domestic Relations - Pate)
Adelaide C. McGraw (Estate Planning - Stephens)
Victoria N. Danczyk (Evidence - McCarthy)
Mackenzie M. Ervin (Evidence - Johnson)
Brenton L. Thompson (Evidence - Young)
Hunter S. Garnett (Federal Income Tax I - Rawls)
Zachary M. Evans (Information/Technology and Law - Laughlin)
David Manush (Intellectual Property - Hartzog)
Branden Moore (International Business Trans - Kuruk)
Jeremy M. Crowley (Selected Topics-Bus.Org. - Leara)
Rebecca Guidry (Municipal Courts - Bishop)
Jordan Jackson (Natural Resources Law - Greene)
Luke L. Brooks (Negotiation - VanPelt)
Ariel Jebeles (Payment Systems - Kuruk)
Wesley Walker (Pre-Trial/Trial Prac - Putnam)
Sydney Everett (Product Liability - Martin)
Benjamin Warren (Prof Responsibilities - Carroll)
Courtney B. Crampton (Real Property - DeBow)
Jorge A. Solis (Real Property - DeBow)
Molli Masaniai (Real Property - Roberts)
Mary Margaret Clark (Real Property - Roberts)
Brenton L. Thompson (Real Property - Greene)
Matthew Hambrick (Secured Transactions - Floyd)
Haynes Russell (Secured Transactions - Kuruk)
Jordan Jackson (Taxation of Nonprofits - DiRusso)
Micah McKinney (Taxation of Nonprofits - DiRusso)
Kyle Weaver (Wills, Trusts and Estates - DiRusso)