The following Cumberland School of Law students qualified as Scholars of Merit for the Fall 2016 term. The courses in which the students received this recognition are also listed, as well as the professors who taught the courses in which the students received this recognition.
Kayla Currie (Administrative Law - DeBow)
Tara Hale (Advanced Evidence - McCarthy)
Kriston L. Gifford (Business Organizations - Stone)
Christian C. Feldman (Business Organizations - Stone)
Nathan Murphy (Business Organizations - DeBow)
Garrett L. Hartley (Civil Procedure I - Johnson)
Brenton L. Thompson (Civil Procedure I - Strickland)
Jessica Wolinsky (Civil Procedure I - Ross)
Bianca Svensson (Comparative Civ. Litigation - DeGaris)
Jonathan Griffith (Conflict of Laws - Stoddard)
Ian Green (Conflict of Laws - Stoddard)
Lindsey Catlett (Constitutional Law I - Ross)
Kriston L. (Laney) Gifford (Constitutional Law I - Smolin)
Allison E. Booth (Constitutional Law I - Denning)
Jillianne Pierce (Consumer Protection - Floyd)
Kimberly S. Fasking (Contracts I - Stone)
Brenton L. Thompson (Contracts I - Bishop)
Ranier Park (Contracts I - Bishop)
Garrett Hartley (Contracts I - Walthall)
Victoria Danczyk (Contracts I - Walthall)
Diana N. Ruppenthal (Criminal Law - Goodwin)
Emily Menees (Criminal Law - Davis)
Garrett L. Hartley (Criminal Law - Smolin)
Jorge A. Solis (Criminal Law - Smolin)
Edward Garner (Criminal Procedure I - Davis)
Brittany Bryan (Domestic Relations - Pate)
Gregory S. Ritchey (E-Discovery - Carroll)
Riley Murphy (Employment Discrimination - Greene, D.)
Miya Moore (Employment Discrimination - Greene, D.)
Mary Elizabeth Burnett (Environmental Law - Greene, A.)
Adelaide C. McGraw (Estate and Gift Taxation - Stephens)
Stephen (Kyle) Weaver (Federal Courts, Civil - Johnson)
Lindsey R. Catlett (Federal Income Tax I - Roberts)
Adelaide C. McGraw (Financing Real Prop. Transact. - Byrd)
Nicholas P. Carr (Int'l Environmental Law - Greene, A.)
Sara Leopold (Int'l Intellectual Property - Kuruk)
Allison E. Booth (Juvenile Justice Admin. - Smolin)
David Manush (Labor Law - St. Clair)
LaRae M. Ganger (Municipal Courts - Bishop)
Shannen L. Sell (Negotiation - VanPelt)
Abby Hayley (Non-Profit Corp. - Hogewood)
Christian Borek (Partnership Taxation - Roberts)
Katie Robinson (Payment Systems - Kuruk)
Nicole Henderson (Payment Systems - Floyd)
Jonathan Griffith (Pre-Trial/Trial Prac. - Putnam)
Curtis Seal (Pre-Trial/Trial Prac. - Putnam)
Sarah Emerson (Privacy in the Digital Age - Hartzog)
Kriston L. Gifford (Prof. Responsibilities - Carroll)
Mitchell J. Reilly (Prof. Responsibilities - Ross)
LaRae M. Ganger (Race and American Law - Greene, D.)
Thomas Bailey (Real Estate Trans. I - McCurley)
Matthew Hambrick (Real Estate Trans. I - McCurley)
Jonathan Griffith (Rep. Small Business - Nixon)
Stephen Weaver (Scientific Evidence - Goodwin)
Jason Bruner (Secured Transactions - Kuruk)
Whitney Lamont (Torts - Evans)
Jennifer B. Jayjohn (Torts - Martin)
Emily Hopper (Torts - Hartzog)
William M. Pettit (Torts II - Martin)
Kayla Currie (Wills, Trusts and Estates - DiRusso)
John C. Wilson (Workmen's Compensation - Barineau)