The following Cumberland School of Law students qualified for the spring 2017 Dean's List. To qualify for the honor, a student must earn a minimum 3.0 grade point average out of a possible 4.0 while attempting at least 10 credit hours of coursework. Congratulations to the following students:
Aarons, Joshua D
Akers, Anna W
Akers, Taylor Nicole
Anderson, Mollie H
Anello, Anthony R
Armstead, Averie L
Bailey, Thomas A
Baker, Joshua A
Banks, Andrew F
Barnes, Katherine J
Bashinski, Hayden F
Bendall, Allison R
Bentley, Davis A
Berger, Kylee J
Bode, V, Louis S
Booth, Allison E
Borek, Christian W
Bostic, Leigh Margaret
Boucek, Brooke W
Boyd, John Austin
Boylen, Clayton P
Brannan, Patrick B
Brister, Callie D
Brooks, Luke Lasseter
Brown, Jonathan H
Bruce, Bethany Marie
Bruner, Jason D
Bryan, Brittany A
Buckner, Kameron M
Buddenbohn, Adam Scott
Bufford, Kevin W
Bullard, Mallory C
Burford, Laura C
Burnett, Mary Elizabeth V
Busby, Derienne S
Butterworth Wineman, Amanda L
Buzby, Amy M
Cagle, Lisa K
Campbell, III, Robert A
Campbell, Kellianne
Caraway, Ashley Paige
Carr, Nicholas P
Catlett, Lindsey R
Chastain, Haleigh E
Chiou, Amy
Chwalek, Kimberly Ann
Clark, Christopher W.
Clark, Mary Margaret
Clay, Andrew J.
Cole, Richard S
Cole, Samantha E
Cole, Victoria A
Cory, Hannah N
Craig, Jr, Allen D
Crampton, Courtney Brooks
Crowley, Caroline E
Crowley, Jeremy M
Cummings, Emma A
Currie, Kayla A
Danczyk, Victoria Nicole
Devitt, Cole Stevenson
Diaz, Caleb W
DiSalvo, Brooke A
Doublon, Tim P
Dudley, Cynthia Lawler
Dunagan, Levi P
Dunphy, Michael L
Durham, Denisha S
Edwards, Nathan D
Eichholt, Kaylie D
Elks, Emily Brooke
Ellis, William F
Ervin, Makenzie M
Esneault, Alexis Nicole
Evans, Austin Christopher
Evans, Zachary M
Everett, Sydney P
Fasking, Kimberly S
Faulkner, Caleb A
Feldman, Christian C
Feltman, Ashley W
Fereg, Mark
Flanagan, Mary K
Flynn, Mary K
Ford, Brittany L
Foster, Timothy D
French, Alexandra Jarvis
Gaiter, LizMarie Shontae
Ganger, LaRae M
Garner, III, Edward B
Garnett, Hunter S
Gieske, William L
Gifford, Kriston L
Gilbert, Chakeira M
Gray, Sierra
Griffith, Jonathan A
Gubbels, Kristina Gabrielle
Guidry, Rebecca M
Gushlaw, Stephanie M
Gutierrez, Nicolas A
Hagood, IV, William Lee
Hale, Tara Depri
Hall, Nathan B
Hall, Nathaniel J
Hambrick, Matthew H
Hamm, David Hunter
Harben, Christian W
Hare, Ransome R
Harkins, Holly K
Hart, Jessica L
Hartley, Garrett L
Hawks, Ryan M
Hearn, Charles M
Henderson, Catherine L
Henderson, Nicole M
Herald, Sean T
Heyward, III, William B
Hoekenschnieder, Timothy Adam
Hollis, Sharidan A
Hood, Karis Elizabeth
Hopper, Emily A
Howell, Lynn-Hollyn Tipper
Hoyle, Chase L
Ibarra, Lorena S
Ingram, Xan P
Jackson, IV, Sidney W
Jackson, Jordan L
Jayjohn, Jennifer Belle
Jebeles, Ariel H
Jett, Andrew B
Johns, Travis B
Johnson, Leah Frances
Johnson, Nelson C
Johnston, J Zachary
Jones, Harrison Royster
Jones, Tiffany A
Jordan, Hamilton G
Joyner, BriAnn
Keen, Benjamin R
Kelly, Megan M
Kendrick, Jr, John Charles
Key, Dustin
Killam, Luke F
Kimball, Davis M.
Knight, Jaime Ryan
Lambert, Mary E
Lamont, Whitney L
Larkin, Tulia Laticia Robinson
Larson, Ellen A
Leopold, Sara Elizabeth
Lock, Lauren R
Major, Kenneth Frederick
Malueg, Julia E
Mann, Jacey G
Manush, David S
Mardis, Zachary P
Masaniai, Molli Aliimau Tavita
McDonald, Camilla K
McGraw, Adelaide C
McKinney, Micah Jamal
McLean, Jr, Joseph Le Grand
Meigs, Sarah Ann
Menees, Emily
Mercer, Brittany S
Mills, John
Milton, II, Michael L
Mock, Mallory E
Montoya-Minisee, Isabel Gerri
Moody, Allison K
Moore, Branden H
Moore, Jacob N
Moore, Madeline G
Moore, Miya A
Morgan, Emily Copeland
Moseley, Courtney A
Mosley, Kayla J
Mullins, Joshua K
Murphy, Nathan Riley
Myles, Constance M
Nabih, Amberlyn B
Nola, Christopher P
Norman, Suzanne R
Norwood, Wade P
Okinedo, Denzel E
Panella, Andrew W
Pannell, Aaron E
Parish, Mary Alexandra
Parsons, Jr, William Cameron
Patrick, III, Rodney C
Patrick, Tyler J
Perdue, III, Howard G
Perry, Patrick Jordan
Pettit, William M
Pierce, Jillianne C
Pipkins, Justin Allen
Pittman, Reynolds Parker
Post, Constantin L
Potter, Corbin C
Price, Morgan B
Prosch, III, William F
Puntney, Kevin
Pylant, William S
Reilly, Mitchell J
Risner, James G
Ritchey, Jr, Gregory Scotch
Robinson, John Lawson
Robinson, Katie L
Roth, Patrick Thomas
Ruppenthal, Diana N
Russell, Haynes T
Santos, Michael L
Saunders, Anna C
Schreiber, Emily Elizabeth
Scott, Shelby Leigh
Seal, Curtis H
Seaton, Megan
Segrest, Christian Alexandra
Sellers, Matthew R
Shaw, Frank S
Sheffer, Eric C
Shippey, Ian P
Shirley, Craig A
Shunnarah, Steven M
Sidwell, Alex C
Sigler, Colin A
Simms, Tiffany R
Slawson, III, Guice
Sloan, Emma L
Smith, Alyson L
Smith, Charles C
Smith, Daniel Z
Smith, Evan E
Smythe, Gage C
Snodgrass, Lucas Charles
Snow, Jacob L
Solis, Jorge A
Stencel, Haley A
Stephens, Keith C
Stevens, Courtney Elizabeth
Sutherland, Dylan E
Svensson, Bianca Alexandra
Swecker, Allyson
Taylor, Miranda Coley
Thames, Kailee D
Thompson, Brenton L
Thompson, Jordan M
Thompson, William T
Thrasher, Alexander G
Thurman, Jason R
Towns, Candace B
Tribble, Krista B
Tron, Jose
Underwood, Davis H
Vickers, Ashley B
Voelker, Lindsey
Walker, Wesley M
Warren, Benjamin M
Weaver, Stephen Kyle
Weingrad, Jeffrey
Weite, Carmen E
Wells, Philip Aaron
West, Adrienne
West, Paige M
Willmann, Sydney H
Wilson, John C.
Wisdom, Jr, David B
Wolinsky, Jessica
Woodard, Jr, James Scott
Woolard, Daniel J
Worley, Drew A
Wright, Rebecca Morgan
Yetter, Laura E
Zilahy, Julianne N