Britton  Johnson

Home State


Undergraduate Institution and Graduation Year

University of Alabama, 2021

Student Organizations/Extracurricular Activities

Cumberland Law Review Journal, VP of Events for Federalist Society, Christian Legal Society, Beeson Divinity School (working on a dual degree).

Legal Interests

Litigation, Sports Law

Outside Interests/Hobbies

Watching and playing sports, reading and studying theology, spending time with friends, working on my podcast, pickleball, golf, basketball

What do you think is the BEST thing about Cumberland?

I love the people. My favorite thing about Cumberland is without a doubt the community of people with which I’ve been able to surround myself.

Why did you choose Cumberland?

I chose Cumberland because I wanted to be back in Birmingham and found Cumberland to be a really quality legal education with a great culture and a fantastic quality of life.

What do you most enjoy about studying law in Birmingham? What do you like to do in Birmingham?

Birmingham is home to me, and it has been fun to be back for the last couple of years. I love the people here and the culture of the city. Some of my favorite things to do in Birmingham are play pickleball and golf, try new restaurants with friends, and go to church at Faith Presbyterian Church.

If you could give any advice to your pre-law school self, what would you say?

Law school is the time in your life in which you can begin to set in motion the work habits and life routine you will have for the rest of your life. Be mindful of the way in which you use and spend your time. Set aside a day for Sabbath rest in which you do not work.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I plan to hopefully stay in Birmingham and work in a law firm.