All researchers involved with a project are required to submit documentation of IRB training, administered via the CITI Program. Direct your browser to:, and select “Log in Through My Institution”. In the list of institutions that appears, click on Samford University. This will take you to a Samford login page. Enter your ID and password and then you will be directed to the CITI training main menu. Under “My Learner Tools for Samford University”, select “Add a course”. You should see “Question 1 Human Subjects Research” near the top of the page; select the most appropriate module (Biomedical or Social & Behavioral Sciences) based on the type of research. Your faculty advisor may ask you to complete additional modules and customize your training to best match your experimental design. Please contact the Chair or Director of the department if you need assistance.

After completion of the training, researchers should save the certificate of completion and attach it to the IRB application and put certificate number on the application form. Certificates are valid for three years.

NOTE: Faculty advisors are considered co-principal investigators with student researchers and are therefore required to complete the IRB training and provide a copy of their certificate with each application on which they are listed.