One of the most important aspects of the College of Health Sciences is without question our faculty and staff within the four independent schools of health professions, nursing, pharmacy and public health. Our people are enthusiastic, motivated professionals who are, themselves, answering the calling of their own lives. They bring extensive professional experiences into the classroom, making your educational experience deeper and richer.

Photo of Georges Adunlin
Georges Adunlin, PhD, MA, MSEd
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2222 CHS Building 2
Photo of Victoria Allen
Victoria E. Allen, CFRE
Executive Director of Development
College of Health Sciences
Photo of John Arnold
John Arnold, PhD, RPh
Professor and Director, Non-degree Programs
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2232 CHS Building 2
Photo of Jennifer Beall
Jennifer Beall, PharmD, BCPS, CHSE
Professor and Director of Pharmacy Labs and Simulation Experiences
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1413 CHS Building 1
Photo of Kim Benner
Kim W. Benner, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP, FALSHP, FPPA
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1444 CHS Building 1
Photo of Amy Broeseker
Amy E. Broeseker, RN, PharmD, PhD, FNAP
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2231 CHS Building 2
Photo of Caitlin Brown
Caitlin (Caitie) Brown, PharmD, BCACP, TTS
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1414 CHS Building 1
Photo of Stephen Brown
Stephen A. Brown, JD, PharmD
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1411 CHS Building 1
Photo of Brett Bullard
Brett Bullard, MSE
Assistant Director, Experiential Education Operations
1451 CHS Building 1
Photo of Marshall Cates
Marshall E. Cates, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP, FCCP, FALSHP
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1453 CHS Building 1
Photo of Lori Coward
Lori Coward
Research Associate
Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Institute
2214 CHS Building 2
Photo of Melanie Cox
Melanie Cox
Program Coordinator, Office of Academic Affairs
WS-1408 CHS Building 1
Photo of Erika Cretton-Scott
Erika Cretton-Scott, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2223 CHS Building 2
Photo of Michael Crouch
Michael A. Crouch, PharmD, MBA, FASHP
Fred E. McWhorter Dean and Professor, McWhorter School of Pharmacy
2209 CHS Building 2
Photo of Danielle Cruthirds
Danielle Cruthirds, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2217 CHS Building 2
Photo of Catherine  Davis
Catherine H. Davis
Administrative Assistant to the Chair
Department of Pharmacy Practice
WS-1414 CHS Building 1
Photo of Crystal Deas
Crystal Deas, PharmD, BCPS
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1408 CHS Building 1
Photo of Renee DeHart
Renee M. DeHart, PharmD, MSW, BCPS, FCCP
Professor and Associate Dean for Student Affairs
1429 CHS Building 1
Photo of Bernadette D'Souza
Bernadette D'Souza, PhD, MSEd
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2229 CHS Building 2
Photo of B. DeeAnn Dugan
B. DeeAnn Dugan, PharmD, BCACP
Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1449 CHS Building 1
Photo of Valerie Eades
Valerie Eades
Assistant to the Dean
2211 CHS Building 2
Photo of Katie Ellis
Katie Rowland Ellis
Graduate Recruiter
WS-1124B CHS Building 1
Photo of Greg Gorman
Greg Gorman, PhD
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences and Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Institute
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2211 CHS Building 2
Photo of Eilani Grayson
Eilani Grayson
Program Coordinator of Computer-Based Testing
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1442 CHS Building 1
Photo of Howard Hendrickson
Howard P. Hendrickson, PhD
Professor and Chair
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2216 CHS Building 2
Photo of Peter Hughes
Peter J. Hughes, PharmD, MSEd, BCPS
Associate Provost for Faculty Success and Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Academic Affairs
206A Samford Hall
Photo of Peyton Huston
Peyton Huston
Director, CHS Financial and Operational Services
1474 CHS Building 1
Photo of Alison Ingle
Alison Ingle
Marketing and Communication Manager
McWhorter School of Pharmacy and School of Public Health
Photo of Maryam Iranikhah
Maryam Iranikhah, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1405 CHS Building 1
Photo of Patricia Jumbo Lucioni
Patricia Jumbo Lucioni, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2220 CHS Building 2
Photo of Mike Kendrach
Mike Kendrach, PharmD, FASHP
Professor, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean Academic Affairs
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1438 CHS Building 1
Photo of Jeffrey Kyle
Jeffrey Kyle, PharmD, BCPS
Professor, Vice Chair and Director of Experiential Education
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1452 CHS Building 1
Photo of Danita Littlejohn
Danita Littlejohn
Office of Student Affairs
1428 CHS Building 1
Photo of David Luthin
David R. Luthin, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2233 CHS Building 2
Photo of Jonathan Parker
Jonathan M. Parker, MA, EdS
Director of Pharmacy Admission
1131 CHS Building 1
Photo of Valerie Prince
Valerie Prince, PharmD, BCPS, FAPHA
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1404 CHS Building 1
Photo of Paul Pschirer
Paul M. Pschirer, MDiv
Coordinator of Assessment Data and Student Portfolios
1446 CHS Building 1
Photo of Chris Roper
Chris Roper
Manager of Technology Services
2203 CHS Building 2
Photo of Elizabeth Sheaffer
Elizabeth A. Sheaffer, PhD, MBA, MSL
Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation and Professor
1448 CHS Building 1
Photo of Jessica Skelley
Jessica Skelley, PharmD, BCACP
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1430 CHS Building 1
Photo of Rachel Slaton
Rachel Slaton, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, FALSHP
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1414 CHS Building 1
Photo of Jaci  Spain
Jaci Spain
Coordinator, Non-degree Pharmacy Programs
2221 CHS Building 2
Photo of Jonathan Thigpen
Jonathan Thigpen, PharmD
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Curricular Innovation and Professional Development
1440 CHS Building 1
Photo of Michael Thomas
Michael C. Thomas, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1435 CHS Building 1
Photo of Angela (Dee) Thomason
Angela (Dee) R. Thomason, PharmD, BCPS
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1427 CHS Building 1
Photo of Nesaterical Toney
Nesaterical Toney, MBA
Compliance Coordinator, Experiential Education
1454 CHS Building 1
Photo of Bruce Waldrop
Bruce Waldrop, PhD, RPh
Professor and Academic Success Coordinator
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2216 CHS Building 2
Photo of X. Robert Wang
X. Robert Wang, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutical, Social and Administrative Sciences
2235 CHS Building 2
Photo of Terri  Wensel
Terri M. Wensel, PharmD, BCPS, TTS
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1412 CHS Building 1
Photo of C. Whitney White
C. Whitney White, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP, FALSHP
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1432 CHS Building 1
Photo of Mary Worthington
Mary Worthington, PharmD, BCPPS, BCPS, AE-C
Department of Pharmacy Practice
1432 CHS Building 1