The theme of family was evident across the Samford University campus Sept. 29-Oct. 1 as thousands enjoyed near perfect weather and a full array of activities for the annual Family Weekend.
“The special kinship felt within the Samford family is never more evident than during Family Weekend,” said Susan Doyle, Samford’s director of parent programs. “It is such an honor to welcome our families to campus and host them for the weekend."
In addition to tailgating and sports events, parents were able to attend special topic classes taught by Samford faculty in the annual Parents Academy. Many departments and organizations hosted open houses or other special activities during the weekend.
At annual Samford Parents Association breakfast, Samford President Andrew Westmoreland also emphasized the family theme.
“What continues to inspire me about the Samford family is that the people care so deeply and actively about the people they encounter,” Westmoreland said. “It is a gift from God.
“I am proud to be associated with this place because of you, your sons and daughters and the thousands of people who have come before who have made lasting contributions to make this world a better place because they understand that it is God’s calling on their lives.”
At the breakfast, John and Marsha Floyd of Birmingham were introduced as the new cochairs of the parents campaign that is part of the university’s $300 million multiyear Forever Samford fundraising campaign. The Floyds are Samford alumni, and their son Hampton is a sophomore.
The weekend concluded with the annual Samford Hymn Sing on Sunday, where the family theme continued. Student Reid Parrott of Birmingham played and sang with his grandfather, Gerald Ray of Houston, Texas. Ray is a well-known Baptist church musician. Also, the father-son team of Michael and Jake Adler of Birmingham sang. Michael Adler is worship pastor at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. Both Parrott and Jake Adler are involved in the university’s worship leadership program.
"Our sincere hope is that families enjoyed all the activities, the time with their students, and being with friends old and new," Doyle added.