Matthew Ford, professor and department of physical therapy chair, has earned the Alabama Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association's 2019 Marilyn Gossman Award for Professionalism in Physical Therapy. He is the first Samford University faculty member to receive this honor.
The award recognizes those who have positively and substantially affected the shape, scope and quality of physical therapy practice in Alabama and who have significantly increased the ability of others to practice physical therapy. Honorees must have a minimum of 15 years of service within the profession and be an active Alabama Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association member.
“Dr. Ford faithfully serves our students daily. Since the founding of our physical therapy department in 2013, he has aided nearly 165 students in identifying and fulfilling their calling as physical therapists. I cannot think of a better way to further the profession than by serving in this manner.”
During his tenure at Samford, Ford aided in the development of the department of physical therapy and lead the doctor of physical therapy program’s efforts in obtaining full accreditation in 2018. In addition to his service in physical therapy education, Dr. Ford serves on the Advisory Council at the Lakeshore Foundation in Birmingham, Alabama.
Samford University’s School of Health Professions offers a three-year Doctor of Physical Therapy and a Fast-track Doctor of Physical Therapy. The fast-track program provides eligible students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science in exercise science and a Doctor of Physical Therapy in just six years.