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Photo Parks David
A Conversation with David Parks
Dean Doug Sweeney sits down with Global Center director David Parks for a conversation about upcoming events at the center. 
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A Conversation with Frank Thielman
Dean Douglas Sweeney sits down for a conversation with Beeson professor Frank Thielman to discuss his new book on Paul, which releases in March 2025. 
Photo Cameron Thomas
A Conversation with Cam Thomas
Dean Douglas Sweeney sits down for a conversation with Beeson alumnus Cam Thomas, assistant vice president and Dean of Chapel at Talladega College and the pastor of Hutchinson Missionary Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.  
Photo JoshuaChatraw
A Conversation with Josh Chatraw
Dean Douglas Sweeney sits down with Josh Chatraw, Beeson's Billy Graham Chair of Evangelism and Cultural Engagement, to talk about his new book, "Augustine of Hippo: The Doubter Who Became a Church Father." 
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A Conversation with Timothy Tennent
Dean Douglas Sweeney sits down with our new Methodist Chair of Divinity Timothy Tennent to talk about his arrival at Beeson.