Christopher Seitz, senior research professor at Wycliffe College in Toronto, will deliver Beeson Divinity School’s annual Biblical Studies Lectures, March 23-25.
Seitz is senior research professor at Wycliffe College in Toronto, a position he has held since 2007. Prior to his current assignment, he was a professor of Old Testament at Yale University and before that at the University of St. Andrews. He also is a two-time recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award.
Seitz has published more than a dozen books and has supervised a number of Ph.D. students, including Mark Gignilliat, Beeson’s professor of divinity. Seitz is an ordained Episcopal priest, having served parishes in the United States, Germany, France and Scotland, and is a former president of the Anglican Communion Institute.
While at Beeson, Seitz will give two lectures on Wisdom Literature and will preach in Hodges Chapel on Ecclesiastes 12. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, guests are not allowed on Samford's campus at this time but are invited to watch online.
The schedule for the Biblical Studies Lectures is as follows:
Community Worship
Tuesday, March 23
Beeson Divinity School, Hodges Chapel
Lecture One: “Whither Wisdom: The Once and Future Fate of ‘Wisdom Literature’”
Wednesday, March 24
11 a.m.-Noon
Beeson Divinity School, N-101
Lecture Two: “Ecclesiastes: Koheleth’s Solomonic Mediation”
Thursday, March 25
11 a.m.-Noon
Beeson Divinity School, N-101
The Biblical Studies Lectures are one of Beeson’s three annual lectureships and are held to enrich the spiritual life of the Beeson community and to enhance the educational experience of Beeson students. Guest speakers committed to the proclamation of the Holy Scripture are chosen because they pursue their study of the Bible with the utmost academic rigor and integrity. Their scholarship serves as an example of the faithful and diligent attention to the study of Scripture that Beeson hopes to instill in its students.