Published on February 22, 2019  

You Must Not Kneel Here by Will Gravely

No major Protestant denominational family in post-Revolutionary America was immune from interracial strife. Whites and blacks confronted each other over who could govern, who could be pastor, who could own church property, and who could discipline congregants. For generations those rules were set by whites, who told the Africans (as they were collectively designated) only whites could govern. Only whites could discipline. Only whites could manage church property.

Richard Allen changed the rules. The first Christian bishop of African descent in North America, he founded the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, one of America's first truly independent black denominations.

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The Transforming Power of Forgiveness by Denise George

Anthony Thompson chose to forgive the sinner Dylann Roof because Jesus Christ had chosen to forgive the sinner Anthony Thompson. “Scripture tells me that I am a sinner, forgiven by Christ, and saved by grace,” Thompson admitted. “Therefore, I am obliged to forgive others who hurt me.”

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One-on-One with Kristen Padilla on Women in Vocational Ministry by Ed Stetzer

 If we really believe in the complementarity of the sexes and that both sexes are made equally in God’s image and both have something the other doesn’t have, then as a worshipping community we need to have God’s complementarity on full display on Sundays within the worship service, in church leadership, and in weekly church ministry.

How Dismissing the Doctrine of Hell Leads Us to Hate Our Neighbors by Joe Carter

You cannot believe in the Jesus of the Gospels and not believe in hell. Jesus doesn’t give us that option. You can also not love your neighbor and be apathetic about their spending eternity in hell. Jesus doesn’t give us that option either. If we believe Jesus and love our neighbor we will bring the doctrine of hell back into our churches.

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