Published on November 30, 2018  

John Chau, Missions, and Fools by Ed Stetzer

Here’s the reality. At the end of the day, I am among those that believe the world needs Jesus. I believe we are called to get the gospel to the ends of the earth and to every tribe.

We can point out our disagreement with Chau, and I will address those, but many Christians need to really decide if they can say,

I actually believe what is offensive to many today— I really believe that the world needs Jesus. And, I am OK that you think me a fool for believing that.

My Father's Gift: a Practicum for Ministry by Kristen Padilla

Dad, thank you for 30 years of faithful gospel ministry—preaching week in and week out and serving at the feet of others like our Lord Jesus. You’ve served mostly in small churches and in not-so-glamorous ministries. You’ve never pursued fame or recognition, but have served with the intent purpose that God may be glorified and people may repent and be saved. Remember that God looks with favor on the lowly and he exalts those who are humble. Thank you for the loving example you’ve set for your family and your people. Keep the good fight. Run the race. For there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will award to you on that Day. (2 Tim. 4:7-8).

Why Baptists Can Follow the Lectionary by Matthew Wireman

The seasons of the Church Calendar provide us opportunity to pause at intervals to consider various aspects of our discipleship. That is, we focused on Jesus' first Advent—his kingship, and then on his early ministry of calling the disciples and how that ought to inform our being called by him at Epiphany, and we reflected on the need to repent and lay down our lives during the season of Lent. We focus on the church as a community during Ordinary Time after Pentecost Sunday (the too-oft neglected celebration of the Church--that is, not celebrating and considering the implications of Pentecost forty days following Resurrection Sunday).

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S.C. Church Honors Memory of Enslaved Members

"We can't change the past, but we can honor those who were unjustly forgotten and work to bring the hope of a world where every person is recognized as uniquely made in God's image, worthy of respect, and pursued in friendship. Only the Gospel of grace in Jesus Christ makes that possible, and this memorial honors people who through the power of the Gospel overcame the indignities and suffering of slavery and now rest in the peace of Christ himself."

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