Published on November 16, 2018  

Mothers of the Reformation by Kristen Padilla

If God has given grace to some good women, revealing to them by his Holy Scriptures something holy and good, should they hesitate to write, speak, and declare it to one another because of the defamers of truth? Ah, it would be too bold to try to stop them, and it would be too foolish for us to hide the talent that God has given us, God who gives us the grace to preserve to the end. Amen.

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The Peace That Could Not Hold-Interview of Phillip Jenkins by Collin Hansen

[World War I] destroyed ancient centers of Christianity in the Middle East, especially among the Armenians and Assyrians. At the same time, the suspension of missionary enterprises shifted the balance in Africa and Asia to native forms of faith. That movement was massively enhanced in 1918 by the influenza epidemic, which killed between 50 million and 100 million worldwide. That event showed the utter inability of Western missionaries and medics, and drove many ordinary people to seek help from healing churches, and from individual prophets and charismatic leaders. The great age of the African Independent Churches dates from this time.

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Being the Church by Christopher Wright

What can we learn from the template of the Old Testament about the community we are meant to be? Through a deep look into Abraham’s community and aspects of The Nicene Creed, Chris Wright shows what it means to be a community of blessing, faith, and obedience.

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A New Guild Aims to Equip Women and Amplify Orthodoxy

Two years ago, Karen Swallow Prior started fielding phone calls from women who all expressed the same desire: to find community among women united in their orthodox belief. “I kept hearing the same kinds of things from women—whether egalitarian or complementarian or otherwise—who wanted a space that was theologically rooted and rigorous but that was also robustly pro-female,” says Prior, “a space where they could be honest about what they believed, where women of different ethnicities and denominations could come together around common beliefs and commitments.”