Orlean Beeson School of Education students majoring in Christian education and missions partnered this semester with Unless U, a nonprofit organization that serves adults with developmental disabilities through providing continuing education, job training, life skills and social skills.
A group of seniors created seven resources, each focusing on a single character trait, that could be used by Unless U to teach their students. The resources focused on courage, honesty, fairness, kindness, patience, respect for others and self-control. Each character trait was aligned with a corresponding bible verse, and three short lessons were created for each trait. Lesson one aligned with an online book or a video of a read-aloud. Lesson two aligned with a bible verse and had an activity, and lesson three included fun practice with the skill or trait.
The seniors created folder games and job boxes that were tested with students at Post Place, a campus of Unless U. The job boxes included activities like color sorting and matching.
Jeanelle Day, professor of teacher education, saw the importance of creating curriculum materials during class that could be used in the community.
“I wanted them to understand that you can do important mission work right in your own backyard,” said Day.
Day hopes to continue providing learning resources to Unless U and other organizations in the community.