Worship Services For The Season Of Lent
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts forty days – until Easter Sunday. Historically, Lent has been a teaching time for the church to prepare new Christians for baptism at Easter. But, Lent is also a time for all Christians to tell the story of Christ's journey to the cross and celebrate the risen Lord. Use the resources and worship services in this module as your worshiping community walks toward the cross, with an eye on the resurrection.
Ash Wednesday
We begin the Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday, recognizing that dust, disaster, and deceit are all around us. We put ashes on our head as a sign of repentance, and we begin the journey with Jesus to the cross. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
Keeping Our Focus
This service is centered on Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus is tempted in the wilderness. This story corresponds to the first Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
A Covenant of Trust
This service is centered on Genesis 9:8-17. Truth-telling, repentance and Baptism all require trust—trust given by the covenant that God makes with us. This passage also corresponds to the first Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
Looking for the Kingdom
This service is centered around John 3:1-17, Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus. This story corresponds to the second Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
The Promise Granted Through Faith
This service is centered on Genesis 17:1-7,15-16. This begins with the covenant that was given to Abraham and his wife Sarah, and this passage also corresponds to the second Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
Trusting the Words of Jesus
This service is centered on John 4:5-42, when Jesus encounters the woman at the well. This Gospel reading corresponds to the third Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
A Cleansing of the Heart
This service is centered on John 2:13-22, and covers learning to put aside greed, wealth, and what we think is good for us, and trusting God to guide us and give us a pure heart to worship and praise Him. This passage also corresponds to the third Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
Helping Those in Need
This service centers on the story in John 9 when Jesus meets and heals a blind man. This Gospel reading corresponds with the fourth Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.
Living with Jesus
John 11 is the familiar story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This Gospel reading corresponds with the fifth Sunday in Lent. Here are some materials to help you create your own worship service.