Samford’s Howard College of Arts and Sciences will offer 24 courses in January, 2014, including a literary tour of the South.
English professor Mark Baggett will lead his American Literary Movements students to the haunts of authors including Alice Walker, Flannery O’Connor, Harper Lee, Ralph Ellison, Truman Capote, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Walker Percy and John Kennedy Toole. Trips to the Mississippi Delta and New Orleans during the three-week course will emphasize the literary influence of the blues and 20th century black migration on the literature of those regions.
Baggett said the first five students to enroll in the course will win a New Orleans travel package valued at almost $500.
All of Howard College’s Jan Term courses, whether on campus, online or on the road, will help speed students toward graduation. Twelve of the courses fulfill general education requirements. The college’s Jan Term lineup includes:
On Campus
Animal Biology*
Christian Spirituality
Contemporary Mathematics*
Elementary Spanish 1*
Foundations of Chemistry*
General/Organic/Biology Chemistry*
General/Organic/Biology Chemistry Lab*
Introduction to Philosophy*
Introduction to World Religions*
Physics for Society*
Principles of Immunology
Rediscovery of the Classical World*
Special Topics in Religion: David
Contemporary Math*
Human Physiology
Mental Illness: A Biological Perspective
On the Road
American Literary Movements
Hospital Internship
Pastoral Care Internship
*Fulfills general education requirement
photo courtesy of Howchou